• 1. Groundwater (types; movements and exploration);
• 2. Engineering geology of dams, tunnels, roads and bridges;
• 3. Engineering properties of rock materials;
• 4. Rock fractures and rock masses;
• 5. Rock mass classifications;
• 6. Laboratory testing and properties of rocks;
7. Design methodology for rock foundations, slopes and tunnels.Name:
Dr.Me Me Thein
Dr.Me Me Thein Professor& Head Department of Engineering Geology West Yangon Technological University E-mail:- memethein.mm72@gmail.com Telephone:09799253482
Professor and Head
Research interests My research interests cover a wide range of disciplines including sedimentology ,hydrogeology, petrology, stratigraphy (lithostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy), plate tectonic and petroleum geology. My academic research was rooted in sedimentology, including clastic and carbonate sedimentary petrology, petrography, sedimentary facies analysis, depositional environments and depositional sedimentation system. My first research project involved the Ordovician-Silurian carbonate sedimentology (Thesis title:-Lithosratigraphy and Carbonate Microfacies of the area, East of Ye-U, Ywa-ngan township,Southern Shan State) as my Master Thesis. My PhD research analysed the sedimentation system of Jurassic turbidites (Thesis title:-Sedimentology of the Loi-an Group in the western margin of the Shan Plateau, Thazi and Kalaw townships). I am also attempting to better understand the fossil fuel, petroleum, found in geological formations beneath the Earth’surface. A better understanding of naturally occurring fossil fuel may provide important clues as to hydrocarbon source regions and also aid in predicting the presence or absence of oil and gas reserves. Qualifications 2011- PhD, Geology, Yangon University 2001- M.Sc, Geology, Yangon University !995- B.Sc (Honours), Geology, Yangon Univesity Professional Posts since Graduation 2016 to Up to now- Professor& Head, Department of Engineering Geology, West Yangon Technological University 2015-2016- Associate Professor, Department of Geology, East Yangon University 2011-2015-Lecturer, Department of Geology, Dagon University 2010-2011-Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Forestry 2008-2010- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Forestry 2005-2008- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geology, West Yangon University 2005-2005- Demonstrator, Department of Geology, West Yangon University 2003-2005- Demonstrator, Department of Geology, Sittwe University 1997-2003- Demonstrator, Department of Geology, Dagon University
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